Archive for the 'Configuration' Category

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Monitoring VMWare with Nagios XI

It is quite easy to monitor VMWare infrastructures in Nagios XI. All you need to do is run the VMWare monitoring wizard, provided you had previously installed the VMWare Perl Software Development Kit (SDK) on the Nagios XI server.

Note: To learn how to install SDK, please, refer to our “Nagios XI – Monitoring VMWare” document.

From the Nagios XI web interface, click on the “Configure” menu and select “Run the Monitoring Wizard”. Scroll down to select the VMWare monitoring wizard. Enter the IP address of the VMWare server, login credentials, select what you would like to monitor (VMWare host or a guest), and click “Next” to proceed. In Step 3 of the wizard, you will have to select the metrics that you would like to monitor such as CPU Usage, Memory, Services, etc.

VMWare Monitoring Wizard - Nagios XI

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New NRDS Config Manager Released

The Latest version of the NRDS Config Manager (version 1.3) is now available!

NRDS Config Manager allows you to centrally define configuration files and plugins for monitoring agents. This centralized configuration tool makes the configuration of monitoring agents easy and flexible.

The latest version contains major bug fixes to both NRDS_Win and NRDS_Lin agents. There are also a number of new enhancements, including improved SSL support, an extension handler for common script types, and the ability to build your NRDS_Win installer files on the fly.

NRDS_Win installer

Documentation on latest NRDS_Win capabilities can be viewed at:

To install the latest version, simply go to the “Admin” menu of Nagios XI and Choose “Manage Components”. Lastly choose “Check for updates” and you will be notified of the latest updates for all components!

Securing Nagios XI Web Front-End with Mod_Security

Today we’re going to walk-through installing a web application firewall for Nagios XI. While not mandatory, this is an important task for anyone with a Nagios XI interface that is accessible through the internet. We do our best to create a secure application and make every effort to protect the data accessible via our software. However, mistakes are made and zero-day exploits do happen, as such, implementing additional measures such as mod_security is a great way to add additional difficulty for any potential attackers.

Mod_Security, is an Apache module that enables a host based web application firewall(waf) before any web traffic actually touches the applications served by Apache. This allows attacks such as sql injection(sqli), cross-site scripting(xss), cross-site request forgery(csrf), and many others to be detected and stopped before they have a chance to effect the web application and back-end databases. In the case of Nagios XI we are most worried about things like sqli, xss, command injection, remote and local file inclusion, and path traversal, as these have the most potential to take or modify vital data or gain access to the server. Mod_Security comes with list of predefined set of rules, that companies like Trustwave and groups like OWASP, regularly submit to and maintain. The module and rules definitions are entirely open source, although there are paid variations of the rules as well.

Setting up Mod_Security to protect your Nagios XI interface is pretty straightforward. The general idea is to install yum provided packages, disable some rules that cause issues with Nagios functionality, and restart Apache. Shall we begin?

1) Install Mod_Security packages.

yum install mod_security_crs-extras mod_security mod_security_crs

2) Download the base exclusion configuration for Apache, and move to the correct location.

cd /tmp


cp /tmp/mod_security_excluded_rules.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/

3) Restart Apache and verify Nagios is working properly.

service httpd restart

Browse to your Nagios XI server and verify login and that everything looks normal.

Further documentation and troubleshooting can be found at: Integrating Mod_Security with Nagios XI

Nagios XI 2012 Public Beta

After many months of anticipation and hard work, we are pleased to announce Nagios XI 2012 Beta is ready for public testing! XI 2012 is loaded with a variety of new features, and we’d love your help in making sure that 2012 is ready for full release as soon as possible. A key difference with the release of 2012 is that there will be both an Enterprise Edition and a Standard Edition, with the Enterprise Edition being targeted at users with larger environments.

Continue reading ‘Nagios XI 2012 Public Beta’