Archive for the 'Configuration' Category

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Monitor WatchGuard Devices Using Nagios XI Wizard

WG Graphs

In an effort to make NagiosXI even easier to setup while maintaining granularity, we are creating wizards for specific devices. Methods for monitoring network devices are not one size fits all. SNMP mibs differ and web interfaces differ, so we’ve embarked on an adventure of writing wizards for specific vendors of devices. The wizard recently completed is an example of that adventure.
Continue reading ‘Monitor WatchGuard Devices Using Nagios XI Wizard’

XI System Profile Component

The component adds a System Profile page to the Admin menu and displays relevant system information for common troubleshooting issues.  The profile information can be downloaded as a text file to provide support teams with importation information. This component will ship with any Nagios XI install 2011R1.10 or newer.  We recommend installing this component for all existing 2011 installs in order to expedite support issue.

Download System Profile Component

Documentation: Writing Custom Wizards

We’ve had some requests in past months about developer documentation for writing custom Configuration Wizards for Nagios XI.  Many admins have a large amount of devices of a specific type that they regularly need to add to their monitoring environment.  So for those needing to write their own wizard, and don’t mind getting their hands dirty with PHP development, this document and example code illustrate how to write a monitoring wizard while maintaining the integrity of the Nagios XI framework.  The example wizard utilizes a weather alerts check plugin written by Tony Yarusso.  You can find the document on the Nagios Library.


Easy Configuration Of Passive Checks Into Nagios

Passive checks are extremely useful for integrating information from external applications and agents.  They’re also the primary method of monitoring remote machines that are behind firewalls, proxies, and on private networks.

In an effort to simplify the setup of new remote agents and applications with Nagios XI, we developed a method for easily capturing and configuring new passive host and service check results.

Read How To Do it: Monitoring Unconfigured Objects With XI.pdf